Happy Drains Blog

10 Ways to Save Water in Your Home

Using less water around your home is not only good for the environment – it can also save you money!

Here are ten ways you can start saving water around your home today.

1. Fix your dripping taps. A surprising fifteen litres of water disappear from a dripping tap every day – if you have a leaky tap, time to get it fixed!

2. Fully load your dishwasher. Make the most of your dishwasher cycle by filling it to capacity every time. The fewer washes you do, the more water you save.

3. Fit your toilet with a cistern displacement device. Available from your water provider, a cistern displacement device will reduce the amount of water used every time you flush.

4. Run the hot water tap into a jug while you are waiting for the water to heat up. Rather than wasting this water down the drain, you can use it to water plants!

5. Keep a bottle or jug of tap water in the fridge. This means you will always have cold drinking water, and you won’t have to run the cold tap as often.

6. Don’t fill the kettle with more than you need. Not only will you save water this way, but you will also save energy boiling less water.

7. Turn the tap off when brushing your teeth. Such a simple tip, but did you know that you could save six litres of water a minute by doing this?

8. Invest in a water butt. Attach it to your drainpipe and use the water for jobs like washing the car, cleaning the windows or watering the plants.

9. Have short showers. Install a shower timer and stick to shorter showers – this will save you a considerable amount of water. According to Save Water Save Money, spending one minute less in the shower could save a family of four up to £120 of the utility bill.

10. Fix your leaking toilet. Check your cistern for a leak by adding some drops of food colouring. Avoid flushing the toilet for around an hour, and if after this time you can see food colouring in the bowl, you have a leak. This can be fixed with parts from your local DIY shop, or give us a call to fix it!

If you would like any more help or advice with saving water, please get in touch. We can take a look at those leaky cisterns for you, or if you have a bigger drainage problem we are here to help!


