Happy Drains Blog

Understand Your Outside Drainage

Whether you’re in your garden, stood on your driveway or on the pavement just outside your home, you’ll probably see at least one drain. Drains are everywhere, on your property, in the street and sometimes where you don’t expect – but do you understand who owns them and what you are liable for?

Most drains which reside on your property and within your property boundary will be your responsibility. This means that if something goes wrong, you’ll need to be the one to fix it and cover the costs. Other drains which lie outside of your property, such as the water mains and large sewer drains will generally be owned and managed by your water/sewage company. These companies will also manage any shared drains – such as those you may share with a neighbour.


So, what kind of drainage is there?

The main feature of a drainage system is to take away wastewater to the sewage system, leaving your property through pipes and there are two times of water drainage, foul water drainage and surface water drainage.

Foul drainage – this is all about waste. So, this will be where everything from your bathrooms, kitchens, shower rooms, WCs and laundry will go.  All this water will be transported to your local sewage treatment plant.

Surface water drainage – this is for water around your property that isn’t connected to your plumbing inside your home. So, this will include gutters, run off from patios, driveways, and lawns etc. This water is uncontaminated so can go into soaraway or storm drains and diverted into rivers or streams.


If you want to know more about outdoor drainage, get in contact with us today and call 07824 757572 / 0800 849 8099.


